Principle Investigator

Prof. Dr. Dmytro Perepichka
McGill University
Otto Maass Building, Room 415
Tel: (514)-398-6233
The Perepichka Group

Left to right: Cory Ruchlin, Ying-Hsuan Liu, So-Huei Kang, Hannah Hackney, Arthur Houplin, Ting Yu, Kristian El Chami, Helen Tse, Chang Wan Kang, Pegah Ghamari, Emil Stahle, Mohammad Gohari, Meng Wei, Zhechang (Logan) He, Ghufran Rafique, Max Vostrikov, Dima Perepichka
Post Doctoral Researcher

Graduate Students

Undergraduate students

Post doctoral fellow
Dr. Heorhii Humeniuk
(Post-doctoral fellow 2023-2024)
Post-doctoral fellow, Universite de Montreal
Dr. Daling Cui
(Post-doctoral fellow, co-supervised with Prof. Federico Rosei, INRS 2019-2023)
Quantitative Analyst, Deloitte
Dr. Lei Jin
(Post-doctoral fellow, co-supervised with Prof. Federico Rosei, INRS 2020-2023)
Post-doctoral fellow, Southern University of Science and Technology
Dr. Afshin Dadvand
(Research Associate 2019-2021)
Research Scientist, Cummins Inc.
Dr. M. Rizwan Niazi
(Post-doctoral Fellow 2019-2021)
Post-doctoral fellow, University of Calgary
Dr. Yuan Fang
(NSERC Post-doctoral Fellow 2017-2021)
Professor, Soochow University
Dr. Kiran Sagar Unikela
(Post-doctoral fellow 2019-2021)
Senior Scientific Manager, GVK BIO
Dr. Lakshmi Vellanki
(Post-doctoral fellow 2018-2020)
Assistant Professor, NIT Karnataka, India
Dr. Thaksen Jadhav
(post-doctoral fellow 2017-2019)
Post-doctoral fellow, KAUST, Saudia Arabia
Dr. Yoko Sakai-Otsuka
(post-doctoral fellow 2017-2018)
Post-doctoral fellow, CNRS, France
Dr. Rajesh Malakalapalli
(post-doctoral fellow 2013-2016)
Assistant professor, Indian Inst. Technology
Dr. Patrick Beldon
(post-doctoral fellow 2014-2016)
Enterpreneur, start-up in UK
Dr. Hua-Ping Lin
(post-doctoral fellow 2012-2015)
Founder, WoFei photoelectric science and technologies Co. Ltd.
Dr. Hayden Black
(post-doctoral fellow 2012-2014)
research scientist Sandia National Labs
Dr. Luis Cardenas
(post-doctoral fellow 2012-2013)
Charge de recherchee, CNRS
Dr. Iryna Perepichka
(post-doctoral fellow 2011-2013, co-supervised with Prof. Lennox)
Research scientist, Polymer Source Inc,
Dr. Maksym Kryuchkov
(post-doctoral fellow 2012-2013)
Research Scientist/project leader, BioAstra (Montreal),
Dr. Andrey Moiseev
(post-doctoral fellow 2009-2013)
Research associate, Materia Medica Inc,
Dr. Qi (Steven) Shuai
(post-doctoral fellow, 2011-2012)
Professor at Hangzhou University
Dr. Brandon Djukic
(post-doctoral fellow 2010-2011)
Product Development Scientist, Green Centre Canada,
Dr. Rico Gutzler
(post-doctoral fellow 2010-2011, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei, INRS)
Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Solid State Research, Stuttgart,
Dr. Olena Lukoyanova
(post-doctoral fellow 2008-2011)
Lecturer, University of Regina
Dr. Makysm Rybachuk
(post-doctoral fellow 2010-2011, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei, INRS)
Lecturer at Griffith University
Dr. Chenglin Yan
(2008-2010, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei)
1000 Talents Professor, Suzhou University,
Dr. Shehzad Jeeva
(post-doctoral fellow 2007-2008)
Family business in Pakistan
Dr. Jaclyn Brusso
(post-doctoral fellow 2007-2008)
Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Dr. Josh Lipton-Duffin
(post-doctoral fellow 2006-2008, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei, INRS)
Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology
Dr. Athan Karas (post-doctoral fellow 2007)
CEO, "Material Harvest Inc", UK
Dr. Marc Lepeltier
(post-doctoral fellow 2006–2008)
Assistant Professor at University of Versailles (France)
Dr. Jerome Baffreau
(post-doctoral fellow 2006-2007)
Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Montreal
Dr. Clara Santato
(post-doctoral fellow 2006-2007, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei)
Associate Professor, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Dr. Fabio Cicoira
(post-doctoral fellow , co-supervised with Prof. Rosei)
Assistant Professor, Ecole Polythechique de Montreal
Dr. Badruz Zaman
(post-doctoral fellow 2004-2006)
Steacie Institute, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa
Dr. Zhong Wei
(post-doctoral fellow 2004-2005)
Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics (Chinese nuclear centre)
Visiting Researchers
Junsong Xu (2021-2021, 9 months, Visiting PhD student from Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Crislaine Marcovicz (2017-2018, 3 months, Visiting PhD student from U Pernambuco)
Lijia Yan (2016-2017, 12 month, Visiting PhD student from Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School)
PDF, South China Technological University
Zahra Heydari (2015-2016, 12 months, Visiting PhD student from the University of Tehran)
Rosinda Fuentes (2015, 1 month, Visiting PhD student from U Edinburgh)
Masahiro Nakano (2015, 3 months, Sabbatical researcher from RIKEN-Tokyo)
Staff scientist, RIKEN-Tokyo
Johanna Nothacker (2014, 2 months, Visiting PhD student from University of Cologne)
Antonin Desmecht (2014, 8 months, Visiting research student from the Universite Catholique de Louvain)
Dr. Kiumars Bahrami (2012, 12 months, Sabbatical researcher)
Associate Professor, Razi University
Dr. Vladimir Bruevich (2012, 1 month, Visiting researcher form Moscow State University)
Dr. Zifa Shi (2012, 10 months, Sabbatical researcher)
Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University,
Dil Nawaz Khan (2012 Visiting PhD student)
Assistant Professor, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology,
Clara Orofino (2012 Visiting PhD student)
Patent Assistant at Marks & Clerk
Ori Gidron (2011 Visiting PhD student)
Post-doctoral fellow at ETH (c/o Prof. Diedrich)
Dr. Mizuho Kondo (2011, 3 months, Sabbatical researcher)
Assistant Professor, Hyogo University
Graduate Students
Zhenzhe Zhang (Co-supervised with Prof. Rustam Khaliullin, 2018-2024)
PhD Thesis "Computational Modelling of Formation Mechanism and Properties of Two-Dimensional π-Conjugated Polymers"
PDF, McGill
Ehsan Hamzehpoor (2018-2023)
PhD Thesis "Crystal engineering of room-temperature phosphorescence in organic solids"
Assistant Professor, Universite de Montreal
Pegah Ghamari (Co-supervised with Prof. Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, 2018-2023)
PhD Thesis "Development of next generation photoelectrochemical and polymer transistor devices"
PDF, McGill
Nathan Yee (2017-2022)
PhD Thesis "Supramolecular Control of Organic Semiconductors via Complementary Hydrogen Bonding"
Assistant Researcher, NRCC
Chaoying Fu (2009-2017)
PhD Thesis "Control of on-surface assembly of organic semiconducting molecules"
Julia Schneider (2009-2016)
PhD Thesis "Tuning the properties of organic semiconductors through heteroatoms"
Assistant Professor, Fordham University
Mohamed Amine Mezour (2010-2015, co-supervised with Prof. Lennox)
PhD Thesis “Tailoring the properties of organic semiconductors through heteroatoms”
PDF, Northwestern University (FQRNT fellowship)
Alan Blayney (2012-2015 co-supervised with Prof. Sleiman)
MSc Thesis “Preparation and characterization of nucleobase-functionalized polyy(phenyylenevinylene)
Yaroslav Zems (Masters student, 2012-2014, joint degree from Mcgill U and U of Edinburgh)
PhD Thesis “New NIR-emitters based on pyrrole-3,4-dicarboxyimide building block”
Rohit Bajaj (2012-2013)
Afshin Dadvand (2004-2012, co-supervised with Prof. Rosei)
MSc Thesis “Organic Electronics”
PhD Thesis "Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Multifunctional Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) Based on Novel pi-Conjugated Organic Semiconductors
Research Officer, NRC-Ottawa,
Dr. Mykola Kondratenko (2004-2011)
PhD Thesis "Donor-acceptor dyads for molecular rectifying devices"
post-doctoral researcher at University of Alberta/NRC-NINT (Edmonton, Canada), with Dr. R. McCreery
Matthew Morantz (researcher)
Dr. Oleksandr Ivasenko (2004-2011)
PhD Thesis "Supramolecular design of H-bonded architectures via surface self-assembly of Carboxylic building blocks"
post-doctoral researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), with Prof. De Feyter
Tobias Lockwood (2006-2009)
MSc Thesis: "Electronic Applications of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Electropolymerised Transparent Electrodes and CNT Monolayers on Silicon"
Tyler Taerum (2005-2008)
MSc Thesis: "Extending Conjugation in Two Dimensions: Synthesis and Characterization of Multidentate Monomers"
Oliver Hirst (2007-2008)
Reyes Malave (2007, 4 months, visiting PhD student)
Ganesan Srinivasan (2004-2006)
Lecturer in India
Undergraduate students
Carter Zwierz (2024, 4 months, Visiting Student from Mount St. Mary's University)
Quentin Chan (2021-2023, 2 years, Research Assistant)
Aleksandar Mikov (2021-2023, 2 years, Research Assistant)
Kyle Somers (2022-2023, 1 year, Research Assistant)
Shrija Pathak (2023, 4 months, Visiting Student from HKUST)
Vincent Vermeulen (2022, 4 months, Research Assistant)
Yuze (Allen) Tao (2019-2022, 3 years, Honours student)
Anastasiia Moskalenko (2022-2022, 6 months, Visiting student from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Allan Wei (2020-2021, 1 year, Research Assistant)
Mailine Fok Cheung (2020, 4 months, SURA student)
William Patterson (2018-2020, 2 years, US-Army URAP program, Honours research student)
Deepta Chattapadhyay (2019, 2 months, Visiting student from Indian Institute of Science Education & Research)
Maxime Bellefeuille (2019, 4 months, Research Assistant)
Akela Michels-Gualteri (2018, 2 months, US-Army URAP student from Brown University)
Lisa Vlasova (2018, 4 months, Research Assistant)
Mimi Simmons (2017, 4 months, SURA student)
Yunen (Leo) Cen (2016-2017, 19 months, Research Asssistant)
Shea Johnson (2016, 8 months, Honours research student)
Jorge Rubio (2014-2016, Research Assistant)
Yulan Chen (2015, 3 months, Visiting summer student from South China University of Technology)
Hava Friedman (2014, 8 months, Honours research student)
Jesse Gordon (2014, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Vipul Chaturvedi (2014, 4 months, CSACS summer student)
Sami Sayegh (2013-2014 Research project student)
George McKeown (2013, 4 months, Honours research student)
Jethro Sanz-Robinson (2012, 4 months, Summer Honours Student)
David Pipher (2012-2013, Honours research student)
Emily Wei-Hsin Sun (2010-2012, undergraduate research assistant)
David Levan (2011, 4 months, CSACS summer student)
Rachelle Choueiri (2010-2011, 6 months, Honours research student)
Benjamin Williams (2010, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Eric Margulies (2010, 4 months, CSACS summer student)
Jenny Liu (2010, 6 months, work study research & NSERC USRA student)
Insik Chung (2009-2010, 8 months, CSACS summer student)
Antoine Lacasse (2009-2010, 8 months, CSACS summer student)
Chen Wei (2009-2010, 7 month, Honours thesis)
Sandra Walther (2009, 2 months, RISE summer student)
Taida Haenelt (2009, 2 months, RISE summer student)
Alex Jacobson (2008, 4 months, summer student)
Courtney Calahoo (2008, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Rahul Deo (2008, 3 months, summer student)
Jonathan Hiltz (2007, 4 months, summer student)
Christian Vandelden (2007, 4 months, CSACS summer student)
Kumar Prashant (2006-2007, 5 months, summer student)
Laura Laberge (2006-2007, 7 months, Honors student)
Amy Sutton (2006-2007, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Jason Li (2005-2006, 7 months, Honors student)
Patricia Saba (2005, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Richard Vadnais (2004, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Ryan Wiley (2004, 4 months, NSERC USRA student)
Group Activity and photos
Hike to the Summit of L'Acropole des Draveurs in Parc National des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Riviere-Malbaie (875 m climb!), October 2024. From left to right: Chang Wan Kang, Cory Ruchlin, Chenghao (Peter) Liu
Visit to Montmorency Falls during QCAM Annual Meeting in Quebec City, May 2024. From left to right: Heorhii Humeniuk, Hannah Hackney, Mohammad Gohari, So-Huei Kang, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Meng Wei, Zhechang (Logan) HeSki trip to Mont St. Bruno, February 2024, taken after hitting the slopes, but before the soreness set in. From left to right: Cory Ruchlin, Meng Wei, Mohammad Gohari, So-Huei Kang, Ting Yu, Chenghao (Peter) Liu, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Chang Wan Kang
Group photo 2023. Left to right: Chenghao (Peter) Liu, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Yuxuan Che, Hannah Hackney, Cory Ruchlin, Mohammad Gohari, Heorhii Humeniuk, Chang Wan Kang, Zhechang (Logan) He, So-Huei Kang, Zhenzhe Zhang, Ting Yu, Dima Perepichka, Meng Wei, Kristian El Chami, Emil Stahle
Group photo 2022. Left to right: Ghufran Rafique, Chang Wan Kang, Dima Perepichka, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Zhechang (Logan) He, Mohammad Gohari, So-Huei Kang, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Daniele Benetti, Nathan Yee, Daling Cui, Hannah Hackney, Yuxuan Che, Zhenzhe Zhang, Quentin Chan, Meng Wei, Alex Mikov, Chenghao (Peter) Liu, Cory Ruchlin
Group photo 2021. Left to right: Ying-Hsuan Liu, Chenghao (Peter) Liu, Zhenzhe Zhang, Allan Wei, Mailine Fok Cheung, Kiran Sagar, Hannah Hackney, Dima Perepichka, Ehsan Hazmehpoor, Yuan Fang, Nathan Yee, Pegah Ghamari, Lei Jin, Daling Cui, Cory Ruchlin, Afshin Dadvand
Group apple picking & BBQ (which you don't get to see because it's too delicious), near Mont St. Bruno, October 2019. Left to right, Rizwan Niazi and his family, Kiran Sagar, Ehsan Hamzehpoor and his family, Cheng-Hao Liu, Shipeng Jia. Dima is behind the camera
Group photo 2019! Y-intersection at McGill University, August 2019. Left to right, Thaksen Jadhav, Ghufran Rafique, Rizwan Niazi, Kiran Sagar, Yuxuan Che, Lakshmi Vellanki, Pegah Ghamari, Chenghao (Peter) Liu, Dima (Dmitrii) Perepichka, William Patterson, Nathan Yee, Zhenzhe Zhang, Yuan Fang, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Yuan Fang, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Afshin Dadvand
Group trip to Parc National du Mont Tremblant, August 2019. Left to right, Nathan Yee, William Patterson, Thaksen Jadhav, Chenghao Liu, Kiran Sagar, Ying-Hsuan Liu
Group trip to Montmorency Falls after CSC (CCCE) conference, June 2019. Left to right, Chenghao Liu, Yegeneh Habibi (Thibodeaux lab), Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Kiran Sagar, Thaksen Jadhav, Deepta Chattapadhyay
Group Lunch in Montreal, April 2019. Left to right: Lakshmi Vellanki, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Rizwan Niazi, Dima Perepichka, Nathan Yee, Allen Tao, Yuxuan Che, Afshin Dadvand, Pegah Ghamari, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Chenghao Liu, Thaksen Jadhav, William Patterson.
For Dima's birthday, We gave him a thermochromic cup with the group photo on it that shows up with hot water. In lab, January 2019. Left ro right: Dima Perepichka, Afshin Dadvand.
Christmas Korean BBQ group lunch, December 2018. Left to right: Chenghao Liu, Afshin Dadvand, Dima Perepichka, Zhenzhe Zhang, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Ying-Hsuan Liu, Yuxuan Che, Ehsan's wife, Lakshmi Vellanki, Thaksen Jadhav.
Group trip to Abraska (followed by BBQ), Rigaud, August 2018. Left to right: Zhenzhe Zhang, Yuan Fang, Lakshmi Vellanki, Pegah's husband, Pegah Ghamari, Yuxuan Che, Lisa Vlasova, Thaksen Jadhav, Chenghao Liu, Dima Perepichka, Nathan Yee
Laser tag in Montreal, August 2018. Left to right: Yoko Otsuka, Chenghao Liu, Thaksen Jadhav, Kaely Michels-Gualtieri, Thaksen's friend, Lisa Vlasova, Yuan Fang, Yuxuan Che, Yoko's huband.
Hotpot group lunch, May 2018. Left to right: Thaksen Jadhav, Ehsan Hamezhpoor, Yoko Otsuka, Yuan Fang, Lisa Vlasova, Filip Popescu, Zhenzhe Zhang, Yuxuan Che, Nathan Yee.
Buffet for Crislaine, leaving to Brazil, January 2018. Left to right: Zhenzhe Zhang, Yuan Fang, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Omar Abdi, Nathan Yee, Chenghao Liu, Crislaine Marcovicz, Dima Perepichka, Yoko Otsuka, Thaksen Jadhav
Skiing trip to Owl's head, March 2018. Left to right: Dima Perepichka, Yuxuan Che, Zhenzhe Zhang, Thaksen Jadhav, Chenghao Liu
Skiing trip to Owl's Head, March 2018. Second photo left to right: Chenghao Liu, Yuxuan Che, Thaksen Jadhav, Dima Perepichka, Zhenzhe Zhang
BBQ at Dima's place, September 2017. Left to right: Yoko Otsuka, Yuan Fang, Filip Popescu, Chenghao Liu, Leo (Yunen) Cen, Yuxuan Che, Ehsan Hamzehpoor, Thaksen Jadhav, Dima Perepichka, Zhenzhe Zhang, Meghna Ghosh
Group photo outside of Otto Mass Pavilion, August 2017. Left to right: Yoko Otsuka, Thaksen Jadhav, Chenghao Liu, Nathan Yee, Dima Perepichka, Mimi Simmons, Yuan Fang, Chaoying Fu
Group photo in the lab, 2013. Left to Right: Huaping Lin, Hayden Black, Chaoying Fu, Alan Blayney, Rajesh Malakalapalli, Yaroslav Zems, Antonin Desmecht, Sami Sayegh, Julia Schneider